In response to the Israeli/Palestinian War:
“Mattering” is a musical exploration of the psychological concept of mattering– the need for feeling valued and cultivating dignity. LAC will explore this concept through the conduit of live music and intentionality.
Our world... the ultimate paradox– a world filled with boundless beauty as well as limitless frustration and chaos. It’s hard to deny that day after day we are met with the pressures of society and the news of world events. Whether intentional or not, it all entwines into the already heavy struggles of our personal lives. This is the frustrating part– we can’t separate ourselves from the pressures and hardships of the world. In all this turbulence, it can be challenging to have truly meaningful experiences; Moments when we feel valued and feel like we matter; Moments when we feel more human through dignity and grace.
Have you ever had a ten-minute conversation mean more than a whole evening? Have you ever left a concert feeling unfulfilled? Have you ever felt less than after a first date? Has a stranger ever made you feel like you matter or, vice versa?
All of these scenarios have two outcomes which live simultaneously in parallel universes where we acted or didn’t; spoke out or stayed silent; cared or didn’t. They exist where we felt valued or underappreciated. There could very well be a rippling effect in all the choices we do or don’t make. In the end, it just might all matter.
LAC, January 2024